Simple Tips for a Healthy Business Trip

Hello from the Windy City! I’ve been in Chicago the past few days for the Closing the Women’s Wealth Gap National Meeting. I’m always thrilled to be a part of a pro-woman conversation, but it feels especially timely since yesterday was #EqualPayDay.

Gender income inequality is a huge issue in the US – particularly for women of color – but women’s wealth inequality is even more significant. While women earn only 79 cents on the dollar compared to men, women own only 32 cents on the dollar compared to men – and the story gets even more dire when we break the numbers down for Black, Latina, LGBTQ, and other groups of minority women. It’s complicated, but the undeniable reality is: when it comes to money, women are still behind in America. I am an incredibly privileged woman, and it’s an honor to get to work towards solutions to the income and wealth gaps for ALL women. (If you’d like to learn more/get involved, please reach out!)

2018 Women’s Wealth Gap National Meeting

While my reason for being here is inspiring, work travel still takes a toll on my body and spirit. I don’t travel a ton, but I’m on the road enough to have learned some solid tricks for staying healthy.

To start, traveling via train, plane or bus is going to expose you to a bunch of germ-y humans in a tight space. You’ll want to give your immune system all the help it can get. Take your multi-vitamins and grab some Airborne.

I recently discovered Ahana Nutrition and it has totally upped my supplement game. I’ve been taking the Turmeric-Curcumin supplement for the past few months. I struggled with a bunch of minor injuries when I started training earlier this season, but since I’ve started taking this one, I haven’t had a single issue! If you’re like me, and you want to keep training while you’re traveling, I highly recommend this one. (Bonus – use the code OPP10 for 10% off all of the “white bottle” products.)

If you’re trying to maintain a routine – or you want to make sure you stay active while you’re traveling – I HIGHLY recommend booking a fitness class while you’re on the road. When I’m at home, I can’t justify paying $30 a class to go to spin, pilates, yoga, etc when I already pay $70 a month for a gym membership. However, when I’m on the road, a boutique fitness class has all of the amenities, motivation, and pick-me-up I need. If you’re in Chicago, I love the River North Flywheel and the South Loop Yoga Six. Wherever you are, just google whatever fitness action you’re looking for and book it before you go!

River North Flywheel in Chicago

If you have the option, request a room with a refrigerator (or stay at an Airbnb with nice homey amenities). Next, hit up the closest grocery store to stock up on some healthy goodies. This time around, I went to a total charmer, Mariano’s. It’s somewhere between a Whole Foods and a Wegman’s, but I loved it. I typically end up with lots of bottled water, popcorn, cut veggies and fruit, some jerky, greek yogurt, and mayyyyyybe a bottle of wine.

Snack aisle at Mariano’s

Finally, cut yourself some slack. You’re going to eat some sub-par catered food. You’ll also find yourself drawn in to Auntie Anne’s in the airport, instead of the prepackaged carrots and hummus. You may not meet your step goal for the day when you spend 4 hours on a plane. It is what it is. Don’t beat yourself up. Your body is dealing with enough stress externally. Try to get enough sleep (or catch up on sleep when you can), and get back into a rhythm when you’re home again.

Go forth, feel great, be a boss, solve major world problems, and ROCK ON!


